Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Chronicles of NARINIA...

So, it's been an intense week here in Narinia...  the new strips are coming, my city is occupied.  My uncle Mark dug down and located the original sketchbooks chronicling the birth of Narin, circa 1987.  --which for me was a seriously weird time/space capsule.  (looking at immature artwork is always a little psychologically fraught; documenting your late chemically investigative teens in a sketchbook is just ASKING for a few freaky evenings 25 years later.)

Coming up here very shortly will be a strip archive, a history of Narin, Stumptown, and Narin Reducks.  ...I'm working on a digital world takeover, and a feature called "ASK GRAMPS", wherein G will offer his sage input on all your life, political, economic, personal, thaumaturgic, dental, metaphysical, psychiatric and paleontological problems.

Hang with us, lovelies, the work is coming, and I'm finally learning how to 'scan'.


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