Friday, December 9, 2011

footnotes to previous strips...

Translations from Lakota: "Hello, nice to meet you"  "Where are YOU from?"  "Do you speak Lakota?"

 FUCKUTOPIA  n.  (Eng. Lat der)  fuh-kyew-TOE-pee-yuh    Any of a number of late 20th, early 21st century national and trans-national governance models utterly dedicated to the suppression and exploitation of the working and underclass populations.  Characterized by environmental rapacity, lack of social conscience, disregard of all ethical or moral perogatives in the interest of concentrating wealth and power, thus perpetuating the global economic dominance of white male largely European minorities.  Common usage:  "I just left my tired old representative republic sitting here for a second, and when I came back all I had left was this dicked-up FUCKUTOPIA.  See also: 'PLUTOCRACY' 'OLIGARCHY'  See also: Marx: CAPITALISM: Last Stages Of.

Shout out to Leonard P.

Timmy sets up for another 'F' in Civics

One for the Durban protesters; we LUV you.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

NARIN: the little cartoon that COULD...

Hey Friends,

NARIN is going out to a big bunch of paper press in hopes of finding a 'home'.  We need your prayers (if you swing that way), your mojo, your pozitive vibrationz, and whatever spooky Jungian mass consciousness vibes that you can muster.

Think PRINT NARIN! PRINT NARIN! ...and wherever possible, remember to Support Our Tropes!
